
Monday, 20 August 2012 20:53

Volunteer befriender opportunity for someone with an interest in fishing


Do you have a few hours per week to spare to befriend a person with dementia who has a passion for fishing to enable them to carry out a once loved hobby?

befriend a person with dementia who has a passion for fishingAlzheimer’s Society is developing a new Befriending Service in the East Antrim area for people living with dementia. We are currently recruiting volunteers for this new service and specifically need a male volunteer who has an interest in fishing and would like to take a person with dementia out fishing on a weekly or fortnightly basis. Volunteer expenses and training will be provided.

Befriending volunteers offer companionship, support and social inclusion to individuals in the early stages of dementia and help individual’s to maintain and develop their hobbies and interests.

If you are a caring, empathic and reliable person passionate about making a real difference to people living with dementia we would love to hear from you.

befriend a person with dementia who has a passion for fishing

For an application pack or more details contact:
Alison Rankin, Befriending Manager on 07511 174 099 or Email:

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