Following he recent nettings, Bury Hill Fisheries have now completed this years stocking and fish movements, which included stocking a number of big roach to 2lb into Bonds and Milton, plenty of bream into the Old Lake, a few very pretty carp into Bonds and 60 or so zander which included a stunnning 17lb 4oz fish (see pic below).

Bonds Lake
The aim of draining and netting Bonds Lake was to remove many of the smaller silver fish, which had been bred and grown on in the lake and the odd zander leaving more room for the carp and quality roach to grow on. Following the netting, Bonds now holds over 500 carp, which average 7lb and which includes approximately 50 stunning additions from Milton Lake that are rarely caught fish. We also left around 200 quality roach in Bonds, 50 to 60 of which are around the 1lb 8oz to 3lb mark. These are stunning fish which given the right conditions will now grow even larger.
Milton Lake
Netting revealed the stock levels in Milton to be particularly healthy with over 1 ton of crucian (circa 1500 fish) and 900 to 1000 quality tench.
Again the aim of netting was to remove the small fry, some of the smaller bream, and all the carp and zander. This would then leave us with a considerable stocking (over 1000lbs) of good-sized catchable roach ranging from 8oz to 2lb 8oz, which includes a large number of roach between 1lb 8oz and 2lb 8oz and plenty of crucians and tench.
Following the netting of Temple, we also stocked a reasonable number rudd into Milton Lake that had grown on in Temple, these ranged in size from 5oz - 1lb.
Old Lake
We didn't do any netting work on the old lake itself, however we did stock it with fish from all three of the other lakes, which included approximately 1/2 a ton of small bream (1lb 8oz - 2lb 8oz) from Temple, Bonds and Milton. Also any Zander that we found in any of the other lakes were stocked into the old lake, this was around 60-70 fish, which included around a dozen doubles including a HUGE 17lb 3oz fish.
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