A great day was had by all at the June FFE Ladies Club meeting at Chatton Trout Fishery, Chatton.
Three new members joined us at the event and to kick start the day an excellent and informative fly tying talk and demonstration with given by Alan Young from Hardy & Greys Ltd - giving the girls the chance to see how Trout flies are tied and to ask questions about fly tying and how to fish certain Trout flies.
In the afternoon a fun competition took place between the Hirst Park Trout Ticklers and the FFE Ladies Fishing Club. For many of the ladies it was their first fishing competition they had ever taken part in and I would like to congratulate them all on taking first place with a 10-5 win.
Catch and release as well as catch and keep were both on the cards and prizes were given out following the event with winner from FFE, Chris Foreman taking her prize (a framed selection of Trout Fly's) for the heaviest fish on the day. Kacey O' Grady from the Trout Ticklers took her prize for Top Rod of the Day for her dedication and enthusiasm and combined winners of Best Bag of the Day, Lee and Andrew Whitehall were presented with a free day's fishing at Chatton Trout Fishery.
A great day was had by all and the FFE Ladies Fishing club would like to thank the Trout Ticklers, Chatton Trout Fishery and Alan Young -we are looking forward to another event to be held later this year.
View pictures from this event at
Our most recent ladies fishing club meeting was held at Witton Castle Lakes on Saturday 4th July.
The day began at 10am with refreshments followed by a quick introduction to the venue and its staff by Lucy, before the girls headed out onto the water. Alison Brown from Chatton Trout Fishery was the first to land a fish – a beautiful 2lb Trout. Alison was quickly followed by Tabitha Bell who landed her second ever Trout!
Two new members, Mary and Judy joined us on the day – both keen anglers the ladies had a fantastic time and we would like to welcome them both to the FFE Ladies Club.
See photographs from this event at
Our next fishing event is a sea fishing event fishing for Mackerel. This event will be held on Sunday 2nd August in a catamaran boat off Amble Pier. Interested in this event? More information can be found by visiting our website or email Lucy.
We also have an event at Sweethope Loughs on Saturday 8th August. This event will be a fly fishing event with both boat and bank fishing available. Any ladies interested in coming to this event please email me.
Our summer sale is now on. Sale items include hunter willies for only £35.00. For more information and to purchase visit

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