Displaying items by tag: lac Reenard
Thought other fellow catfish lovers might like to see the catfish I caught from a recent trip to Lac renard France. The trip was my 3rd time at this fishery which is a French owned venue of approx 16 acres stocked with carp and wells catfish.
I caught this cat during the early hours of the morning 3 days into my weeks fishing. The cat took a hook bait of 2 halibut dumbell boilies and 2 nash squid robin red 20mm boilies, fished over a scattered bed of mixed pellet. The cat was in superd condition and weighed in at 135lbs!!
I returned to bed one very happy lady!
More cats, carp and kittens followed to make a fantastic weeks fishing.
Roll on next year when i will return to this superb venue.
Pamela Martin, October 2010

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