Displaying items by tag: mirror carp
Following one the coldest starts to the year anyone can remember, the past few weeks have seen a steady flow of thirties reported from both the Old Lake and Temple Lake with yet another Temple thirty reported this weekend.

This great winters catch follows Sean's brace of thirties two weeks ago when Sean caught ‘The Ghost’ weighing 37lb and Italian 2 weighing 31lb 6oz. This superb brace was caught from peg 14 when Sean fished a small section (corn size) of a sweet cream pop up singularly to the open water to both his left and right rods with no additional feed around his bait. Sean’s first fish, ‘The Ghost’ weighing 37lb was caught at around mid afternoon Saturday from just in front of peg 15. This is the second time Sean has caught ‘The Ghost’ having last caught her in April last year when she weighed 35lb 9oz. Sean’s second thirty of his session came mid morning Sunday when his popped up bait was taken just in front of the island to Sean’s right resulting in Italian 2 being landed at a new record weight of 31lb 6oz. Both fish were in stunning condition and without doubt would have been a fair bit heavier if it were not for the freezing conditions over the past couple of months

Kicking off the Temple action earlier this month was Bury Hill regular Mark Savage who despite freezing conditions managed to bag not only a new PB but also Temple’s first fish of the year, a stonking 36lb 2oz mirror known as Italian 1. Mark fished peg 4, fishing a number of different methods and baits before settling on a light running rig and a balanced Questbait RahJa Spice boilie tipped with a fake corn which had been glugged for 3 months in a trick glug. Fishing a size 10 long shank blow back, Mark decided to try something different by using a 12” of Korda super natural hook length which he pinned down. With tag number 138134, the big ‘Italian’ is a new PB for Mark beating his previous fish, Temple’s Ghost which Mark caught last year.

Source: Bury Hill Fisheries
DreamLakes, France
The DreamLake Complex, consisting of six mature, tree-lined lakes offers excellent carp and catfish angling on either an Inclusive Package or Voyage Self-Drive basis. Currently five of the lakes are open, the sixth housing a huge number of stock fish, ensuring future growth and development.
DreamLakes aim to provide anglers with the highest quality French carp fishing holiday. Offering the size and numbers of carp you would never hope to find in any English water, the peace and tranquillity of the beautiful Champagne countryside only serve to enhance the DreamLake Experience. DreamLakes 3, 4 and 5 are able to offer a great experience for anglers who want to do their own pioneering in France. Only four hours drive from Calais, and with the advantage of knowing that there is always someone on hand to give expert help and advice, you have the freedom to enjoy some really impressive ‘all action style’ carp angling.
Reader Review - Luke "crazy carper" Thomas - August 2007
DreamLakes !!! - Lake 3
We arrived in Relyon Car park, Dover, at 9.45pm ready and set to make our
long voyage over to Dreamlakes. We were absolutly buzzing by now and couldn't
wait to get over there and wet a line. The two 36 seater coaches arrived,
briskly picked us up, along with all our gear, and bombed off for the ferry
port. The ferry journey over was about an hour and a half and we got
ourselves aquainted with everyone we would be spending the week wit ... what a
class bunch of guys !
After 5 hours following the ferry journey we arrived at Dreamlakes, met by a
bacon roll and tea, coffee etc. How welcome it was ! The sun was just
starting to come up and it looked like it was shaping up to be a lovely day.
We managed to settle into our swims and get set up, wandered around for a
chat and then cast in. Our Bailiff for the week, Garry, informed us that the
lake wasn't fishing as well as it should and that the previous week, the swim
I was in had blanked. I was a little apprehensive but took the approach "it's
about time they were here" and got on with it. I knew alot of bait would be
the kiss of death so stuck with tiny bags of pellets with plastic corn as
hookbait and within 2 hours I was in to the first fish. It went like stink,
taking out 1 of my other lines and nearly snagging me up, until I managed
to get its head up and land it. The scales flew round to 23lb 10oz Mirror Carp
and a lovely first fish it was.
I then went the next day without so much of a sniff. I was starting to worry
a little now and decided that a change of bait was in order, something a
little more attractive and smelly than my tutti-fruitti pop-up corn ! This
new bait was to be Mainline's Pulse boilies which we had pre-ordered. That
night I was to reap the rewards as a 34lb 8oz Mirror Carp and a 31lb 4oz
Mirror Carp graced my net. I was over the moon with these as my change of
tactics had paid off and what fish to catch !
The following night using these tactics I managed a 34lb 12oz Mirror Carp, the
biggest yet, and was happy that what I was doing was right. It was clear now
that the majority of the fish were coming out at night and that my efforts
should be doubled for the hours of darkness so I could catch consistently.
The next day Bruce, Dean and I were talking about how it would be nice to
catch a lovely common as all the fish we had caught were Mirrors.
Unfortunatly that night Ii failed to catch at all and morale was lowering a
They finally dragged themselves out of bed and they're reaction when they first saw it was un-printable. We made sure the scales were zeroed first ... weighed it several times ... and then photographed it ... all 47lb 10oz of it !!!!!
I was absolutely smashed, never did Idream I was to catch a fish of that callibur. Phil and Andy (Andy incidently is in the final of the Welsh Carp Masters and is a top bloke !) came round to congradulate and lend a hand. Thanks alot lads !
That was the last fish I caught, Bruce managed 5 fish to 42.08lbs (Common) and Dean managed 3 fish to 34lb 12oz (Cracking Mirror). So overall it was great !
Would like to give a special mention to all the other guys on lakes 3, 4 and 5 it was a great laugh and must do it again next year !
Get yourselves to Dreamlakes, its the place to be !
Luke Thomas

Uk Fisherman would love to hear from any other anglers who have Dream Lakes in France. We would especially like to hear from anyone connected with Dream Lakes who would like to comment on this review.
Paul @ UK Fisherman
Please note the views expressed on these review pages are not necessarily endorsed by UK Fisherman.

Alternatively if you would to submit a review of your own or submit an item for review at UK Fisherman, please visit the CONTACT page.

I couldn't resist a kind invitation from Luke "crazy_carper" Thomas to meet up with me and show me how to get the best from a days fishing at Thorpe Lea so duly took the day off work (any excuse to get away from the computer) and met up with Luke at 8am in the Thorpe Lea carpark.
The weather forecast had been for heavy rain and wind and for once the weathermen had got it right. The grey skies got greyer as we walked round to the far side of the lake and the heavens opened as we settled into our swims. Luke explained that the reason for choosing these swims is that about 60yds out there is a plateau around 4ft deep that the carp patrol along, hoovering up any feed they come across. Luke set up a simple rig with a hair rigged Richworth Dumbell boilie whilst I opted for a method feeder using a hair rigged squid boilie.
The morning was hard going !! I failed miserably to get a take at all and to be honest I was having difficulty reaching the shallow plateau. Luke's spodding seemed to be paying off however as he managed two decent mirror carp, the largest tipping the scales at 16lb.
Things livened up in the afternoon (as the bailiff said it would). Luke continued to catch at a steady rate and ended the day with 9 fish, the biggest of the day being a 16lb 8oz Mirror Carp. (In fact all the fish we caught were Mirrors).
Luke decided that the method was the not the best tactic for me and switched me to a simple rig similar to his and launched some of his spod mix out for me. It didn't take long for my baitrunner reel to whir into life (thanks incidentally to Bun at Eccleston Angling Centre for the reel) and I was soon banking a lovely 14lb 8oz Mirror carp. As we weighed it I was unsure whether I had beaten my PB but it fell just short by 8oz.
The rain got the better of us by around 4 o'clock and we decided to call it a day. Despite being easily beaten by Luke I was delighted with my fish and am itching to get back and try Thorpe Lea again. It was a pleasure to meet and fish with Luke. Thanks mate for your advice and patience in trying to educate me in the strange ways of you carp fisherman and I look forward to our next trip.
On that subject, we are planning a pike fishing trip to Farlows lake sometime before Xmas. If you fancy meeting up please indicate your interest via the UK Fisherman Fishing Forum.
Til next time, happy fishing!! Paul @ UK Fisherman

If you would like to submit a diary entry of your own , please visit the CONTACT page.