George Mason spent over 30 years of his life working in factory and whilst the money was handy and the banter wit his colleagues was most enjoyable, every day without exception, he yearned to be on the riverbank. Eventually the inevitable sword of redundancy swung his way and he vowed that once he was out of the factory, he would never work in another. With this in mind, he retrained as a freelance writer and he has now been able to achieve one of his life's ambitions, to write a book about angling. "Fishing: Learn from the Tips and Laugh at the Tales" is the result of his endeavors.
Fishing: Learn from the Tips and Laugh at the Tales:
George Mason has been passionate about fishing since his father bought him his first rod in the early sixties. It was only a cheap two piece affair made of cane but he enjoyed catching fish it in the village pond.
As the years went on, George acquired better tackle and began taking part in matches including his local angling championship which he won for two years in succession. During that time he used many of the tips that he has included in this book.
George has written this book with the hope that the reader finds something of interest, but most of all, that they find it entertaining.
Fishing: Learn from the Tips and Laugh at the Tales is divided into two sections:
- Fishing Tips
Chapter 1: Bait
As a part time angler who spends most of my time at the computer rather than on the bank actually fishing, I found the tips section in this book extremely enlightening and useful. Such tips as ensuring your bait box is always clean and your bait always fresh, whilst obvious to some, certainly won't be to others (like me), either because they may not have given it a second thought or because they are too tight to throw away any unused bait or too lazy to clean out their bait boxes. George also provides some excellent advice on how to prepare fresh bait and use it effectively to up your catch rate.
There is also some excellent advice on feeding patterns (little and often being the key), plumbing the depth correctly and using traditional baits amongst many others.
Chapter 2: Tackle
This deals with tips regarding tackle, including advice on barbless hooks, using the correct line, choosing suitable rods, brollies, nets and bait waiters, issues often overlooked by the pleasure angler. As a life long angler, George's advice is well worth taking note of and will certainly bring rewards in terms of the number of fish you catch. I certainly learnt plenty from reading this chapter and will definitely be putting some of the advice into practice.
Chapter 3: Matches
The final chapter in the tips section is aimed at the match angler (although much of the advice here is equally applicable to the pleasure angler). As a successful match angler who has won many matches in his time, this again contains some invaluable advice from an angler who definitely knows what he's talking about. For anyone thinking of getting into match angling or who wants to improve their match angling skills, I strongly urge you to read this book.
- Fishing Tales
Section 2 is dedicated to fishing tales, recollections and stories of incidents that have happened to George whilst fishing. This section is as entertaining as section one is educational and informative.
From stories about his first sea fishing trips when his father ended up in hospital, poisoned by a weaver fish, to stories about some of the weird and wonderful characters George has met in his time angling, you will find this section extremely entertaining and will find yourself chucking along as you read it
We thoroughly enjoyed reading this book here at UK Fisherman and highly recommend it to anyone thinking of taking up angling or anyone who already enjoys this wonderful sport of ours. The tips and advice section will stand any angler in good stead and can't help but improve your catch rate, while the tales section will keep you highly entertained and no doubt bring back a few memories of your own happy times on the bank.
For more information about the author, the book and where it can be purchased, please visit:

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