This coming Friday sees the start of the 16th year of the British Carp Angling Championships, starting this weekend with Farlows, Kingsbury Pine Pool, Mid Kent - Stour and Medway Valley Brooklands. The competition is larger this year with 6 additional qualifying rounds. If you would like to take part then there are a few places left and you can enter for £400 per pair through the website above. If you would like to fish any of this weekends qualifiers please call 0845 1800101.
UK Carp Cup
The little brother of the BCAC the UKCC is a singles event and this competition starts in April. Entry to the competition which carries a top prize of £5,000 is £200 per angler and you can enter via the website above.
The Euros
Taking place in October of 2014, the Euros is open to 55 pairs and takes place at the fantastic Lac de Vioreu in France - with a first prize of €20,000. This 400 acre lake is a true gem and the fishing is not bad either with the most recent match held in September 2013 resulting in a total of 1.2 tonne of carp being caught across 4 days and 3 nights. If you fancy taking part in this week long competition entry is €1445 per pair and you can enter via the website above.
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