Their ever popular annual fundraiser has 20 prizes on offer including £2,000 worth of Daiwa tackle of your choice, £500 of Korda tackle and a £350 Preston Innovations bundle!
Tickets are still just £2 and you can buy them online now!
The full breakdown of the fantastic prizes for 2024 are:
- 1st Prize £2,000 RRP Daiwa tackle of the winner's choice.
- 2nd Prize £500 RRP Korda tackle of the winner's choice.
- 3rd Prize £350 RRP Preston Innovations bundle.
- 4th Prize £300 Angling Direct gift card.
- 5th Prize £270 RRP Korum bundle.
- 6th Prize £250 Orvis gift card.
- 7th Prize £250 RRP Matrix tackle of the winner's choice.
- 8th Prize £200 Go Outdoors gift card courtesy of The
Insurance Emporium.
- 9th Prize £150 RRP Avid Carp bundle.
- 10th Prize £70 RRP Fox Rage Street Fighter Utility Vest.
- 11th-20th Prize £50 Fishing Megastore vouchers.