The Angling Trust are writing to members and supporters to draw your attention to the campaign they are running against plans that could see a marked increase in trespass, damage and disturbance to vital fish spawning grounds on smaller rivers and streams.

The Angling Trust need anglers to act now to stop a massive loophole in the proposed new regulations which could see canoes, kayaks, rowing boats and even powered craft designated as ‘bathers’, disturbing fish and fishing on small rivers where currently no navigation is allowed.
The public consultation ends on 23rd December, so they are asking for your help to get writing NOW!
All the details of the campaign, including their template email to DEFRA which includes responses to the consultation, can be found here. A Facebook post from the Angling Trust, which can be reshared, can be found here.
It would be very helpful if you could undertake the actions, and help them maximise the response from the angling community.
Many thanks for your support.
Kind regards,
Jamie Cook
CEO Angling Trust
Source: Angling Trust
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