Like just about every fisherman in the world it all starts as a boy, Having lived in Nottingham i was never short of a river or lake to fish, and of course what to fish for, carp, pike, bream, roach etc. So on moving to france 10 years ago i was in heaven, the unspoilt, none over fished rivers, the well stocked lakes and the beautiful surroundings and nature to take in whilst waiting for the bite.
I started Carp fishing as i already had the equipment, my fishing trips were fruitful with A1 carp all double figures and unsuspecting! Having met my now fishing buddy i was converted by my first night CATFISHING expedition, it was amazing, these guys are monsters, with 16 catfish in one night, spending three nights by the river the catches kept coming, from 30lb up to 96lb, and all in between, its thrilling work and when they take the bait you had better be ready! landing these fish is an adrenaline rush, and the whole experience is something that every fisherman should try.
This is why i decided to set up as a guide, to share this experience with others.
The area is the Poitou Charente, flights from lots of UK airports by Ryan Air to either Limoges or Angouleme airports here in France. We make it easy for you as you only need hand luggage, we pick you up and take you direct to the river bank or lake as we also cater for course and/or carp fishing.
All equipment is provided for the duration of your stay as well as breakfast and evening meals.
To book or if you require any further information please contact us at if you would like to see pictures visit our gallery on
Come and share the experience, the adventure continues!!!

Alternatively if you would like to submit a fishing article of your own, please visit the CONTACT page.