SAA is a full member of the National Federation of Anglers which continues to do sterling work for angling, but many of us believe does not, always, address the concerns of specialist angling in particular.
SAA is a fast thinking, pro-active group, able to respond quickly to important angling issues.
SAA is a well respected member of the Fisheries and Angling Conservation Trust (FACT) and is listened to by the other organisations it works with, such as the EA (Environment Agency), ACA (Anglers Conservation Association), Wildlife Trusts, Sport England and other NGOs.
SAA is not a group of “name” anglers who only seek big fish. Yes there are some “names” in their membership, but for the most part they are ordinary anglers who want to put something back into the sport they love.
Why not support the Specialist Anglers Alliance by joining their organisation and help carry out their excellent work. Membership is only £10 per year with subscriptions due on the 1st April each year.
What are the objectives of the Specialist Anglers Alliance?
- Unite and represent all specialist angling groups, nationally and locally, to maximise our collective political voice.
- Defend all the angling rights and interests of our members, member groups and specialist anglers.
- Represent all our members at national level
within the National Angling Alliance and other major
bodies and organisations, in particular with regard to environmental and political matters of concern to angling.
- Secure funding to further the cause of angling and the environment.
- Campaign on behalf of members for a cleaner aquatic environment, and to support those organisations already active in these areas, such as the ACA.
- Resist and challenge threats to angling and the environment.
- Continue to provide a unified body for the benefit of all members, member groups and specialist anglers.
- Promote the universal adoption of a responsible code of conduct for anglers.
- Encourage ALL anglers to take positive action to protect their sport.
- Develop ongoing dialogue with other established conservation groups.
- Build a closer rapport between all anglers and the Environment Agency.
- Play an active role in formulating any legislation which impacts on angling and its environment.
- Increase contact with bodies such as RSPB and RSPCA to foster mutual understanding and co-operation.
- Combat anti-angling propaganda.
- Develop local conservation associations to further protect our waterways.
- Collect and record factual information on notable fish captures through a voluntary reporting scheme.
- Provide two representatives to sit on the National Coarse Fish Record Committee.
Many thanks to The specialist Anglers Alliance and Michael Heylin for allowing UK Fisherman to use material from their website.
For detailed information on the Specialist Anglers Association, the work they perform, their achievements to date and how you can help the cause, visit their excellent website at:

To do so, please visit the CONTACT page.