Displaying items by tag: tackle
SUPPORT angling's most ambitious fundraiser yet through a Charity Predator Day, Mega Raffle and Auction in support of children of the recent Haiti earthquake. It is estimated as many as 200,000 were killed and left up to 1.5 million homeless, many of them children.
A Predator Day, Mega Raffle and Auction will be held at Bury Hill Fisheries, Dorking on Saturday, February 27th
Renowned for its huge stocks of Zander, which reach a whopping 16lb and Pike which nudge 30lb, tickets for this special predator angling day are strictly limited to just 80 anglers.
With £3,000 worth of Fox tackle vouchers up for grabs and with a top tackle prize of £750 for the top weight, make sure that you do not miss out on what is guaranteed to be a great day!
Tickets to fish cost £40 per head for bank anglers and £50 for boat anglers (minimum two anglers per boat). You can either buy them at Bury Hill Fisheries or on-line through the dedicated Haiti Appeal website where raffle tickets for the Mega Raffle can also be purchased at just £1 each:
Following the predator match prize giving, Keith Arthur, presenter of Sky's "Tight Lines" and Talk Sports "Fishermans Blues" will be holding an auction of very special fishing prizes which include the chance for you to fish with the stars of angling (see auction prizes).
Following the auction, Keith will be drawing the Mega Raffle which has received generous support from the angling trade and has already seen the prize pot run to an estimated £10,000 in just a few days and still rising fast. With prizes ranging from rods and reels and assorted tackle items to day tickets and clothing, through to luxury angling holidays and specialist angling tuition days with hi-profile anglers. There are some great prizes to be won and all for just a £1 ticket. To check out the huge list of prizes and to buy your tickets on-line, click on the "Haiti Angling Appeal" website.
Raffle Prizes already include:
* Holiday for two with EBROCATNCARP worth £750
* Pair Fox FS12000E reels worth £400
* JRC STI RS Bivvy & Wrap worth £400
* plus many, many more...
High end prizes already include a £750 holiday for two with EBROCATNCARP holidays, a pair of FS12000E reels worth £400 from Fox International, a JRC STI RS bivvy and wrap worth over £400 and a £1000 worth of tackle vouchers from Leeda/Wychwood/Map allowing the lucky winners to choose the tackle they want from the companies vast range of carp, match and specialist ranges. So whether you fish for barbel, roach or specimen carp, you can tailor a huge value prize package to your own specification!
Where the money will go?
Organisers David de Vere of Bury Hill Fisheries and Kevin Coe of Llyn Y Gors Fishery and The Fishing Warehouse feel that the monies raised would be more focused and worthwhile given to a small charity, which has a long standing presence in Haiti rather than supporting one of the bigger emergency relief charities. The pair have therefore chosen to support SOS Children, an international charity based in Cambridge which has had a presence in Haiti since 1978. You can read more about SOS Children at:

Alternatively if you would like to submit a news article of your own, please visit the CONTACT page.
Carpin On 2010 FIVE LAKES RESORT, ESSEX 6TH & 7TH MARCH 2010 :: All the biggest brands in carp fishing under one roof, including Korda, Fox, Nash, Dynamite Baits, Trakker, Delkim, and more. Fantastic attractions include not-to-be-missed live presentations and forums from leading anglers, interactive rig and bait clinics - your chance to meet the experts. Plus, fun and games on our indoor lake with tons of great prizes up for grabs.
PLUS your opportunity to grab a great deal from some of the UK's top tackle stores including Climax Tackle, Wickford Angling, Johnson Ross and Big Fish Tackle amongst others. Also: Free Parking, hot and cold food served all day, and licensed bar.
What they've got to say
"Carpin On is a great show that offers visitors a mix of everything, from talks to one-to-one tutorials, you really are spoilt and with an opportunity to walk away with a few bargains to boot. A show not to miss"
Ali Hamidi - Korda
"We have come to know and trust the Carpin' On show at Five Lakes as a well run, established event that should be on every Carp Angler's calendar. It's a pleasure to be part of it."
Dave Mills - Trakker
I have always regarded this as the flag ship show of the year for Dynamite Baits to show case there new products to the serious carp angler"
Peter Chandler Sales & Marketing Director - Dynamite Baits
"Always look forward to the Five Lakes Show - professional, fun, with lots going on for the visitor"
Alan Blair - Nash Tackle
Carpin' On is renowned for its unbeatable line up of entertainments. Each year they get better and better and 2010 is going to be no different! Attractions include not-to-be-missed live demos and interactive forums on the main stage, which is situated on the fantastic indoor lake, by some of the country's top carp anglers.
Try your hand at bait boat racing or enter our casting competition hosted by the one and only Dererk Ritchie! Think you can win? Come along, we have some great prizes up for grabs from packets of hooks to holidays!
Struggling with your choice of bait or rigs this year? Visit our Rig & Bait Clinic with your carping queries and be shown by the best in the business. Guest appearances daily by top angling names including, Julian Cundiff, Mike Kavanagh and Terry Hearn!
Up For Grabs
French Fishing UK will once again be giving away a one-week carp fishing holiday in France to a lucky father and son worth £800!(Travel not included.) Make sure you join in the fun and games on the indoor lake for your chance to win! Plus win bait boats and £1,000s worth of fishing tackle and bait!Tickets only £10 including a FREE gift also worth £10 for the first 2,000 visitors each day - book yours in advance to secure your gift at Under 12s go FREE! FREE PARKING ALL DAY!

Alternatively if you would like to submit a news article of your own, please visit the CONTACT page.
Part One
A year ago two fishermen & I embarked on a quest into the unknown!
Our mission, to winkle a few large carp & some of the resident Cats out of Manor Farm fisheries in Headcorn, Kent.
With very little knowledge of the complex consisting of a match lake with a few carp up to the 20lb mark, a specimen carp lake with carp to the low thirties & specimen carp/catfish Lake with fish up to 40lb we unloaded two cars & one trailer crammed full of tackle & bait.
Day One
After several walks around the Carp/Catfish Lake I decided upon a narrow swim adjacent to the island. With only about 40 metres casting distance to the island accurate baiting was easy for the three rods. The island was fringed with overhanging trees, a scattering of duckweed & reed beds, sexy & carpy or what?
Down to my right I had a lovely looking overhanging willow tree & with the marker rod I found the depth dropped considerable, a likely place to find a cat!
Wheel barrowing a week loads of tackle, bait, food, clothes & of course beer up to the swim in sunny midsummer conditions was torture, I really struggled to replace the loss of liquid in my body with lager quick enough!
Not only being a fully fledged tackle tart, any excuse getting my kit off & strip down to shorts is a must!
Three hopefully areas were explored & plotted with the marker rod, an extra area was selected just in case.
Marc Tip: I like to have an alternative fishing spot primed to drop a bait onto just in case one of the other spots fails to produce or just dries up.
I decided on different approaches to each fishing spot, one would just have a pva stocking of goodies attached to the hook link, the second spot would have spodded particles, pellets & boilies over it, forming a dining table of about 2 metres square, the third of which I was dropping under the willow tree was dedicated to Mr Catfish. A bucket consisting of stinking pellets, mixed fishy boilies, tins of tuna, lambs liver & a generous amount of fish oil was mixed into balls around the size of a tennis ball; six were deposited loosely around the willow tree.
In the heat of the sun, sweat of my labours & lager influenced state I was in, the smell from the bucket was unreal, nearly chuck up city.
I decided to rest the swim to enable me to get the bivvy up, sleeping quarters sorted & a general tidy up of the tackle around the swim.
Bearing in mind I arrived at my chosen swim at eleven am & by 4pm not a baited rig had touched the water yet! I believe quiet, careful preparation is vital in any type of fishing you do, whether it be for a day, 24 hours or a week, a stealthy approach pays off every time!
A quick natter & lager with my companions, of whom were only fishing days during the week’s trip & I was ready for the first cast.
Lines clipped to the required markers, baits in place, lines left slack to enable sinking, bobbins attached I was sorted as the sun set slowly over the island trees & stunning Kent countryside.
Life really doesn’t get much better than this?
Lager & cigarette in hand, listening to the birds sing, occasional fish flop out of the water & a very unusual noise?
Unusual wasn’t strictly true, I recognised it as a frogs call but it was so loud, so near & very repetitive!
Curiosity got the better of me & I just had to investigate more! I couldn’t see, locate a frog of any description around the bank side within the swim? The occasional rustle in nearby reeds & grass but that was it, not a Kermit in sight? I was starting to wonder if my ears were playing tricks on me or one of my colleagues was having a joke.
After a hot, exhausting, rare summers day in southern England I decided to hit the sack as the last rays of sunlight burnt away. Sleep wasn’t exactly easy with a good dose of sunburn, over tiredness & Kermit’s chorus echoing out!
I am not sure if my surroundings went totally quiet or I passed out? Probably the later because the next thing I remember was the delkim screaming at me, the middle rod was lurching to my left as a fish sped off down the lake, kiting hard to gain more line towards the island snags. My 3 ½ tc rod soon had the angry fish subdued & looking sorry for its self in the bottom of the landing net. Not a massive carp but 15lb of hard fighting common carp was very welcomed.
A few pictures later, rod back in position & little trickle of loose feed over the bait I was all set again.
Time for a beer, lager at just gone mid night?
Yeah too right, im on holiday, celebrating my first fish from an unknown venue, do I need to say more?
An hour quickly passed as a sat on my spod bucket taking in the atmosphere, savouring the memory of my first carp from Manor, hoping for many more during my weeks stay.
Two fifteen am & the right hand rod nestled under the willow is off, talk about clutch stripping, line ripping; what ever was on the end wasn’t happy. Lifting the rod & engaging the bait runner I really didn’t know what to expect? The rod hooped over, line still poured from spool, this had to be my first catfish?
Ten minutes in & I am still not making much head way with this fish!
As you maybe aware I have successfully landed some very respectable carp from France & here in the UK but none have compared to this! I am really concerned about tackle, from the rods, reels right down to hook! The 18lb bs fluorocarbon main line is absolutely singing through the early morning breeze, rod butt resting upon my thigh to take some of the strain from my aching forearm & shoulder when suddenly I have won! The fish has giving up after some twenty five minutes & ready for the waiting landing net, this is when the fun really started!
I have never caught a cat fish in my career so this was all new to me & in total darkness.
With the cats head up against the spreader block the headlight torch picked out two foot of tail overhanging the draw string,
“Dam, that isn’t going in there” echoed across the night sky.
Plan B? & it had to be a quick plan too!
With eighty percent of the fish in the net, raise the net & slacken off at the same time hoping the fish will slide in, went thru my head?
“Woohoo, I love it when a plan comes together”
At this point proceedings became a bit blurred! I remember calling my colleagues on the walkie & saying “Bob I have got one, its massive, what do I do with it next”?
I don’t remember if Bob & Gary came to assist or not?
I do remember lifting four & half foot of fish on to the mat, looking at it in amazement, nervously extracting the hook from it’s a massive mouth, sliding its bulky length into the weigh sling expecting thirty pounds plus as the scales swung round to a mere eighteen pounds, totally amazed again, I checked & rechecked the scales! Eighteen pound eight ounces from two different sets of scales. Self portrait photographs safely taken & my first catfish disappeared back into the depths of Manor Farm fisheries.
Marc Tip: Cat fish will test your tackle to the utter most limits & beyond, so be prepared!
Re-positioning the rod as quickly as possible & a few unhealthy scoops of the delightful ground bait dropped under the bush I was back in the doss bag gagging for some decent shut eye.
Day Two
After a restless but fruitful first night I began to unload Bob’s gear from the trailer behind me, gentle placing his equipment in his desired swim I noticed a row or should I say large stream of bubbles travelling up the lake, followed by another & another. These aint no carp feeding patterns unless they are huge! I thought to myself.
I watched the activity for an hour or two noting the positions, times, weather & temperature conditions. When all had ceased out with the marker rod to have a feel around! What ever the culprits were (Catfish) seem to be following a small channel that ran directly thru the middle of my swim down to the deep end of the lake, what a find.
Depths carefully taken & noted I decided upon a plan of attack! Of which I would employ late afternoon.
Marc Tip: I had over looked this channel when mapping the swim out yesterday; despite it only being a metre wide, six to eight inches deeper I had missed it! This is why it’s vital when using the marker to log, note everything from where the lead & float lands right up to the margin.
An hour or so later Bob & Gary joined me; excitedly I began
to narrate my catfish battle with them, accompanied by photographs. Neither Bob nor Gary could believe the length of this fish.
After a brew, few fags the guys started fishing & the lake started filling up rapidly with day ticket anglers, great time to reel in, wonder down to the wash room for spruce up.
Bearing in mind I had only been gone thirty to forty five minutes, the lake was packed, really packed, non fishing swims now had anglers fighting to wet a line, my margin rod was now unusable as an angler had set up on my door step. With this much activity I opted to only fish with two rods, so a hopeful bait was cast to the channel I had been watching earlier. My new neighbour watched shaking his head & smiling as I let the line sink & drop some spod mix over the top.
Bob wondered up the bank around ten o’clock, “Busy init Bro”? I could only reply with a “Hhhhmmmm”.
We sat there chatting tactics, bait placements etc when one of my rods burst into life, a short tussle later & a carp of around 12lb was safely in the net.
This activity continued right up until late afternoon, literally loads of carp around the ten pound stamp were coming out, I don’t think anyone failed to catch!
I started to prepare for the coming nights fishing as the day anglers started to pack up & disappear leaving just Bob, Gary & myself to enjoy the lakes beauty once again.
With the sun setting, birds settling for the night, Bob & Gary safely back at their apartment, leaving myself & one other angler on the lake (Nathan). Things had returned back to tranquillity of the night past.
Before setting the rods for the night, I took a wonder around the lake via the toilets. I paused for a good half hour chatting to Nathan, picking his brains for any information, tactics he could give about the lakes & their inhabitants?
Safely back to my bivvy, settled for the night & thought it was a good idea to catch a few hours sleep hoping for some action during the night. As I dosed I wondered if I was to be woken by a catfish or a really lumpy carp in the early hours. I still had my plan of attack at daylight! Presuming the culprits that travelled up the channel would return tomorrow?
All these things bounced around within my head as I listened to the recently started rain fall on top of the bivvy.
Marc Tip: It is always a good idea to politely ask other anglers for any information, background knowledge they know of the venue.
Day Three
The night passed uneventful but come first light the bubbles started at the far end of the channel, I quickly repositioned two rods, one baited for carp the other baited with four 25mm halibut pellets for cats. I dropped half a dozen spods of the smelly bucket mixture around the pellets & patiently watched as the bubbles came closer & closer.
To my amazement it was the carp rod that ripped off first but it was no carp pulling my arm from its socket, a cat had picked up a single 14mm KG1 boilie & was now tearing down the lake at a ridiculous speed! Being as cautious as I could I played & wore out the 16lb cat on a size 8 korda hook attached to 12lb braided hook link.
After photographing, weighing & returning the fish I carefully inspected the hook link, as I expected it was shredded with at least half of its fibres torn in half!
Marc Tip: After many years of fishing I always replace the hook & hook link after every fish with the exception if I am pasty bashing.
Before I could the rod back in position the halibut pellet rod was lurching angrily to the right, spool spilling off line as another cat sped off down the lake, my arm hadn’t recovered from the last battle & I was into another straight away!
“Jeez, these fish can fight” I thought to myself, its unbelievable how they fight!
This cat again tipped the scales round to a healthy 16lb; one thing I did notice was just how much the fish differ between each other! Every catfish’s skin had a totally individual mottled pattern upon it. Has to be the perfect camouflage?
By the time Bob & Gary had turned up for their daily fish I had banked three cats within around an hour, with a fantastic 22lb being the biggest. With this sort of action & excitement at 6am in the morning I was enjoying a can of lager, mug of black coffee & bacon frying in the bivvies porch. “Life, what a life” I muttered to myself!
I had all most one hundred percent decided to move lakes today but I was now in two minds after my recent successes. Weighing the options up I decided upon a good look around the specimen carp lake as no real big carp were showing on the lake I was fishing.
The specimen carp lake only being around 3 acres had some lovely features, over hanging trees, marginal shelves & a gravel bar stretching across one very secluded swim. I watched & watched looking for the slightest sign of a carp when I was rewarded with some bull rushes twitching to & fro several times, as I got closer a huge common carp rolled in front of the reeds followed by a mirror of equal proportions. I all most ran back to my current swim! Excited about what I had seen & the prospect of hooking into one of the beasts I had seen earlier.
As quiet as possible I set up the three rods, carefully thinking what sort of bait, loose feed to introduce into the new swim? With activity still constant around the reed stems I gentle lowered 2 grains of glugged natural maize popped up with the plastic version as close as I dare to the reeds. Before I could get the line sunk, rod onto the delkim I was receiving liners, things looked really promising as I crouched close to the rod.
I was in two minds whether or not to bait the area, would this spook the carp off, make them search for food?
I decided to give it thirty minutes before taking any actions & went about setting up, casting out the other 2 rods. One was cast to a likely patrol route along side another reed bed, the other just off a gravel patch I had found on the first cast near to the point of the swim. I constantly watched the other rod as the line picked up & then dropped down again; it had to go soon as clouds of debris rose to the surface just inches from where I had lowered my hook bait.
Marc Tip: When carp are this active I prefer to fish slackish lines as possible & do not get the marker rod out!
My wait was over as the delkim bleeped a few times & the fish kited fast to my right into open water, I was on the rod in a flash, feeling the steady, heavy plod of a sizable fish searching for haven. After a few hair raising moments of the line pinging across the carps dorsal fin & could now see the carp just beneath the surface. Safely netted & photographed the mirror carp certainly looked a mid twenty, the scales settled at 24lb 4oz, “Result” I thought to myself.
Bob soon joined me to take a look at this stunning fish & helped me celebrate with a can of lager in the afternoon sun.
Three days still to go, what else would Manor farm fisheries have in store for me?
Author: Marc Gough
Prologic Quick Release adaptors. No matter what your angling discipline, these handy little adaptors will save you masses of time on the bank as they can be used on everything from landing nets to storm poles!
Sometimes it's the little things that can make all the difference; and such is the case with this quick release adaptor from Prologic. OK, you can't use it on the hook, so in that respect it's not going to catch you any more fish, however, if we are talking about time-saving devices which allow you to set up and break down your tackle much faster on the bank, then look no further.
For review purposes, 'it' should be 'they', as I've been using a number of these adaptors for some time now, and for a number of different uses. I use them on my storm poles, on bank sticks, and even on my landing net pole. To be honest the applications are endless - if it has a standard thread, you can use an adaptor on it!
Quick release adaptors/connectors (call them what you will) have been around for quite a while, it's just that I've never come across any that I felt were up to the job. I've used some of the bayonet type in the past, but I found the fittings left a lot to be desired and before long you had an element of play. This was ok if using on storm poles or such like, but if using on banksticks or buzz bars, they could hamper indication when the idea is to have everything quite solid. When I say used, it should actually be borrowed, as my mate spent no small amount on a set of four to make his four rod set up nice and smart, though when I borrowed his alarms & buzz bars (and thus the adaptors) for a week on Birch, I have to say they left me less than impressed - within the hour I'd whipped them all off in order to get a solid set-up!
I think this is why I like the Prologic design so much; not only are they extremely strong and durable, but the ball bearing locking system removes the ability to spin, twist, or play. They are, quite simply - solid! They are made from a high-grade precision cut alloy and so can be used for even the toughest of jobs, I've been giving them stick for ages now, and they are still just as good as they day I had them, and the fittings just as tight.
As I say, they might not directly put any more fish on the bank, but when I think about it, they've certainly given me a helping hand. Over winter I've been doing quick overnighters, arriving after dark and leaving pretty much at first light. Setting up in the dark is never great when you've got to erect shelters and set rods up, but these adaptors have shaved loads of time off the job. It takes less than a second to pull the collar down on the connector to release it - far quicker than a bayonet fitting. This means all my storm poles are secured in a couple of seconds, and as I'm also fishing bank sticks on this water, the alarms are attached in seconds also. All of which means the rods are out in double quick time.
The same goes for packing away, and a session I had about a fortnight ago proves perfect testament to their effectiveness. I was fishing a quick overnighter using my brolly, and to cut a long story short, the conditions caught me out; the wind turned really nasty, changed direction completely, and started slating horizontal rain right in and all over me. There was no way I could turn the brolly around on the swim, and with no front on, it was just a case of chucking my gear right under the bed, pulling my bag over my head and seeing it out till morning. Come the morning the rain was still coming down with the temperature barely above freezing, not helped by a biting wind hacking right into me. It was 'proper' grim. No surprise then that the pack up was a mare from start to finish. Even after a brew my hands were freezing, and after only a few minutes spent breaking down rods, rigs, and end tackle, my fingers were already numb, to the point where I was struggling to feel them whilst zipping up my tackle pouch. If I'd then had to start unthreading bank sticks, buzz bars, storm poles and whatever else, I think I'd have screamed! As it was, it took less than a minute to break down the shelter, alarms and banksticks - all thanks to the quick release adaptors. To be honest, they paid for themselves on that session alone.
They've received quite a lot of attention on the bank too, where friends or other anglers have seen how quick various elements tackle go together. I fished a bit of a social at the weekend with a mate I've not seen for ages. Again I did not arrive till I'd got the kids off to bed, and jumped into the next swim just so that we could have a natter and catch up. He's an engineer by trade - and a bloody good one too - and as he helped me set up various odds and ends, the adaptors immediately caught his eye. I told him how I really rated them, though I knew full well he'd make up his own mind irrespective of what I might have to say on the subject! He was still messing with one of them some twenty minutes later after I was all set up and in, and after intense scrutiny, not to mention a thousand testings of the locking mechanism, he finally declared all matter of fact "They're bloody good, these!" ... I could have told him that!
Anyway, they must be good as he rang today to tell me he's bagged a couple of sets for himself. Praise indeed! He got all technical on me (as he often does) and started telling me how mega-expensive air hoses in the automotive industry use similar fittings, though to be honest, as Izaak was screaming for his dinner in my other ear, I didn't hear the rest of it!
Suffice to say they are just the job; strong, durable and extremely effective. I have to point out that I'm not really a fancy gizmo man, and certainly no tackle tart - perish the thought! However, I have to say that I'm properly taken with these. You know how you sometimes find something so good that you can't remember what you did before it came along? Well that's what these adaptors are like - they are just so easy to use, and save me so much time, that I can't imagine being without them again!
The adaptors come in sets of three, priced at just £4.99 from Trevs Tackle, which I find incredible considering how useful I've found them to be. The bonus of course is that at this price you can bag a few sets to do storm poles, landing nets and banks sticks, etc.
Purchase Pro Logic Quick Release adaptors here >>
Reviewer: Julian Grattidge - NorthWestCarp
I still remember the fist pike I caught using the popper like it was yesterday. I had bought a couple in the Netherlands in 98 and had taken them up to Scotland with high hopes of them being everything "Henk" the tackle shop owner had so vehemently promised they would be, and how right the old boy was! The sheer rush I received when I saw the water boil behind it as I stripped it across the surface has stayed with me to this day. I just don't get the same thrill while fishing with a Streamer, Bunny-wobblers or a Bomber under the surface. To visually watch my lure slowly creeping its way back towards me supersedes by far any other form of Pike fly-fishing. I also tend to concentrate a lot more during a session of popping as well. Coupled with the anticipation & frequent rushes of adrenaline that cause through my veins, I am literally quite drained at the end of the day.I'm sure all of you who fly-fish for pike have at least one or two poppers in your ever expanding collection of flies. If not, I highly recommend you invest in a few or if possible make a couple. My fly box primarily consists of 80% surface lures from mid August to the end of September, especially the Popper. Now I'm not suggesting you follow my train of thought in any way, it's just my preferred line of attack during the autumn months.
Poppers themselves
Most fly tackle shops that have a Pike fly-fishing section now supply a range of ready made surface lures from Divers, Skipping bugs, Sliders, Wiggle bugs & off course Poppers. Many also carry a range of finished Popper heads which come in all manner of colours, materials and sizes. Unfortunately though I found that most Popper heads on the market were quite small in comparison with some of the 20cm streamers I had been using and found during a couple of seasons that I was only able to attract Pike in and around the 1kg - 2kg size bracket. This I have attributed to most of these popper heads being developed primarily for the American Bass angling market and not for us Pike fly-fishing enthusiasts.
Then Last year while trawling the net I came across a company called Edgewater fly-tying materials that had not one but two separate popper head products. The first being the Boiler Maker Popper Head. Loud poppers that get a big fishes attention! Super durable with a concaved face for good sound! And the Master Blaster Heads, large heads to attract big fish! now armed with larger popper heads I obviously needed a larger hook especially with a longer shank and this I found in the Mustad 3401 4/0 long shank hook. Unfortunately though this hook doesn't have a kinked shank and after just one or two tussles with a fish I was finding the head would come loose and spin around the shank. Since then I have now changed over to the 4/0 long shank Wapsi Popper Hooks and have found that the foam heads have lasted me several outings before either needing a repair or full overhaul. The Tail Another aspect I found a bit disappointing with Poppers bought from a tackle shop, is the length of the tails tied in behind the popper head. On average they range from between 50mm to 70mm and personally I feel this is too short. (Yet another attribute from the American Bass angling market). I have two specific designs which are now working well for me and catching bigger pike.
The first which I call "The grim reaper" gets given a black head. I then tie on top of the remaining section of visible hook shank a 5mm wide 80mm length of white rabbit tail and then on either side of it I tie a black feather so they curl outwards also around 80mm. This whole new popper has now given me a total length from tip to tail of around 135mm for not much extra weight. I always tie in some red hackle directly behind the head, just to finish it off. To say this popper has a wicked action through the water is an understatement. As you strip it forward the feathers pull in tight to the hook but as it stops they swing back outwards coupled with the wobble action from the strip of rabbit fur and the loud popping noise it gives off, I am getting an extremely active surface lure.
Weed guards
The old adage is," if you aren't fishing the structure's your not fishing for predators!" Poppers can be fished out in open water but your best results will come from stripping your Popper past visible & non-visible structures like reed beds, water lilies or even a submerged tree stump. This is why a weed guard is an absolute must when fishing structures .With all my Poppers I have a weed guard tied in. Don't use a thin monofilament here as it will more than likely snap within the first decent fight. I use a very thick mono (100lbs breaking strain). With heavy mono it not only lasts longer but helps prevents snagging up a lot less. I would also recommend giving it a decent loop from the back of the hook to the front. If tied in to close to the hook and the under body of the head It becomes hard to set the hook in the pikes mouth. This is also another reason for the wider loop.
In the early development stages of these flies I used to apply eyes to the popper but found they would eventually disappear over the course of a days fishing, so I don't bother with them any more and to be truthful I personally don't think it makes any difference especially with surface poppers.
Another surface lure I must recommend are mouse imitation flies. I always dedicate an hour to using a few every time I'm out fishing. As soon as I arrive at the first patch of water lilies I slip one on and yes as I mentioned in my last column you are not going to get a lunker with this fly but to trick a pike (even a jack) into taking one is great sport.
Lastly, and I'm speaking from experience here, I have noticed that when stripping my popper back, most takes, if not all, occur while the popper is stationary. Every now and then you will notice a pike is interested by the wake it is leaving directly behind the fly, but most takes are from below and are literally quite violent Affairs..... SO STAY ALERT!
The Author: Simon Graham
Further Information:
The Solar Centre ( the UK ’s premier supplier for all things solar allows fishing enthusiasts never to run out of power for their mobile phone, GPS unit as well as carry all their additional fishing gear with the Travis solar powered Fishing Tackle Bag.
The hi-tech fishing bag is equipped with a thin, highly flexible solar panel that provides 1.5 watts of power with a single 12V charging outlet, creating enough power to trickle charge mobiles, GPS units or rechargeable AA batteries while the angler concentrates on casting the best line.
Of course, a Fishing Tackle bag has to provide room for all the kit needed for a successful day’s angling and the Solar Centre’s bag will stow up to 8 plastic tackle containers in its main compartment, while still offering roomy side and front pockets for storing additional gear.
The camouflage patterned 46 x 25 x 36cm 800 Denier Nylon Tackle Bag comes with a padded shoulder strap, top cavity, waterproof PVC bottom. The Travis Edition Fishing Tackle Bag is priced at £129.99 and comes with a limited lifetime warranty.
Product Specifications
- Fabric: 800 Denier Nylon
- Color: Advantage Camo
- Size: 46 x 25 x 36cm (18" x 10" x 14")
- Weight: 2.2kg (5 lbs)
- Warranty: Limited Lifetime
- Thin Flexible Solar Panel
- 1.5 Watts of power
- Single 12V charging outlet
- Top Cavity
- Large Main Cavity
- Padded Shoulder Strap
- Side Pockets
- Large Front Pocket
- PVC Bottom
- Advantage Camo
- (6) Plastic Tackle Containers 28 x 18 x 4cm (11" x 7 1/4" x 1 3/4")
More information on the Travis Edition Fishing Tackle Bag and other solar powered items from The Solar Centre @
Telephone 0845 094 1250
Other products from The Solar Centre that may be of interest:
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Reactor Solar Backpack |
Nova Solar Camera Gear Bag |
The Fusion Solar Messenger Bag |
Nomad Solar Bike Bag |
Further press information from Robert Daines greenplanet public relations:
07960 739389

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Alternatively if you would to submit a sale item of your own, please visit the CONTACT page.
UK Fisherman is delighted to be able to bring to the angling public a series of superb carp fishing articles written exclusively for UK Fisherman.
Written by Mark Gough, a self-proclaimed carp addict with over 30 years carp fishing experience, this series of articles is sure to appeal to carp anglers and coarse anglers alike.
Below you will find a few details about Marc and below that you will find his carp fishing articles ... believe me they are well worth a read !!
Profile Of A Carp Addict:
Marc Gough |
Date of Birth:
19th January 1968 |
Home town: |
East Grinstead |
Marital status:
Seperated |
Carpenter / Full time daddy |
Interests (outside fishing):
Drinking, DVDs, darts, pool and computers |
Best moments:
Birth of Annalise and catching his first 30 |
Worst moments:
None |
Quotes: |
"Born to fish, forced to work" |
Feel free to click on the titles below to read the full article and if you would like to comment on any of these articles or you would like to contact Marc, you can do so via the contact page.
Submit an Article:
UK Fisherman would be delighted to here from you if you would like to comment on any of the fishing articles or if you would like to submit an article of your own.
To do so, please visit the CONTACT page.
Over the last fifteen years Okuma have built an enviable reputation providing quality innovative fishing tackle the world over. The Okuma focus is a pure and total dedication to development - raising the standards of what they can produce and what is expected. Okuma does not look for inspiration from other manufacturers; instead they find inspiration in fishermen. From the weekend warrior to the tournament pro; you’ll find quality, built to last products that won’t put a drain on your finances.
The new Okuma specimen reels show off this dedication to the fullest, and are surely destined to become the best value for money carp/specimen reels ever produced!
Okuma Silvara Bait Feeder Reel - £14.99!
For the occasional carper and coarse specialist, look no further than the mighty Okuma Silvara Bait Feeder Reel. This has to be the best value for money serious free spool reel available on the market today.
Manufactured to Okuma’s rigorous international manufacturing standards, this reel comes with a 5 year guarantee. Its hard wearing gearing gives a reliable long lasting performance, while the new rotor system supplies beautiful line lay.
- Durable, robust performance
- Smooth free spool system
- Hard cranking action
- Non corrosion graphite body
They don’t come any better than this! Trev’s Price just £14.99!!
Okuma Interceptor Pro Bait Feeder Reel - £29.99!!
This new and improved version of the treble award winning Interceptor has been further developed for expert carp and specimen hunters. It features an RES Rotor Equalising system, double grip handle, two ball bearings, plus Quick-set one way clutch bearing and Micro-adjustable baitfeeder drag.
It comes with one Aluminium spool and one Graphite spare spool, and like the Silvara above, has a five year warranty as standard. 4.5:1 ratio with 290 yard line capacity (15lb).
This reel is the ultimate choice for the serious specimen hunter.
Trev’s Price just £29.99!!
As usual Trev's Tackle have come up trumps with these excellent Okuma reels at crazy prices. What are you waiting for - click the links above to get buying right now !!
To sign up for the newsletter and to browse all the tackle and bait on sale at Trev's Tackle, visit their website at:

To do so, please visit the CONTACT page.
'Barbel Rivers and Captures' By The Barbel CatchersClub
Compiled By Mick Wood and Bob Singleton
There have been revolutionary advances in barbel fishing since the publication of Barbel by the Barbel Catchers Club (BBC) published by The Crowood Press in 1988, and the BCC has been at the forefront of these dramatic developments.
This long awaited, and entirely new volume written by BCC members comprehensively covers the modern barbel fishing scene, discusses the size of the fish now caught and illustrates the changes that have taken place in tackle, tactics and baits. There are individual chapters on each major barbel river in England from the smallest streams, such as the Lodden and the Holybrook, to the mighty Midlands rivers, the Trent and the Severn, to the Yorkshire spate rivers and the crystalline waters of the famous Hampshire Avon. Each river chapter is written by an experienced angler with proven success on the river in question and culminates with a fascinating account of the capture of a really special barbel weighing in excess of 10 lb.
This remarkable book provides a wealth of expert information and explores not only traditional fishing methods but also ground-breaking new ideas. Lavishly illustrated with 200 images including photographs, drawings and diagrams, and a colour-plate section, this is an indispensable volume for both the barbel enthusiast and general river angler alike.
Barbel Rivers and Captures is written by the Barbel Catchers Club and provides a vast amount of information about the contemporary barbel-fishing scene. Written by experts, it comprehensively covers all the major barbel rivers in England.
Contents include:
- Indivual chapters on twenty-nine rivers, or sections of river
- Detailed and fascinating accounts of the capture of a 'big barbel' on each river
- Modern Baits-both pellet and HNV specials
- Scores of photographs, some in full colour, of barbel catches over 10lb
- Diagrams illustrating rigs, feeders and swims
- A review of devolpments in barbel fishing since the late 1980's and a consideration of the future of barbel fishing
- Details of the Barbel Catchers Club River Records and the Clubs 'top fifty' barbel.
The Barbel Catchers Club (BCC) were established in 1977 with the objective of providing a forum for debating key issues and discussing new ideas. Since its formation, the BCC has been extremely successful and has been at the forefront of virtually every breakthrough in barbel angling.
The club is organised by dedicated barbel anglers for barbel anglers and emphasizes the social aspect of the sport rather than its political and commercial divisions. The BCC is divided into seven regional groups, (Chiltens, Midland/Cotswold, Northwest, Southdown, Southern, Wessex and Yorkshire) and has its own website and its own Magazine entitled Barbus. All members write at least one article each year for the magazine, which also provides a forum for news and views.
To order your copy of this fantastic book, please visit:

Alternatively if you would to submit a sale item of your own, please visit the CONTACT page.
Hand crafted angling gifts from Anglers Gifts
Hi my name is Steve Sheppard, an individual artist/craftsman. I have a keen interest in anglings rich history. The innovation and creativity that went into tackle development all those centuries ago that has evolved into the kit we know and take for granted today.
Around 1750/1770 in England, records began of the Nottingham centre pin reel, one of the first reels to be mass-produced. They were eventually made in large quantities and shipped all over the world. Nottingham’s turn up in auctions and fairs today.
The Nottingham was a free running reel at that time but individual craftsmen seeing an opportunity as angling slowly evolved into a sport particularly with the upper classes began to look at more sophisticated designs. Materials were limited, machine screws and high tensile springs were yet to be invented however journeymen and skilled craftsmen plied their trades up and down the country. Materials were sourced from basket weavers, leather workers, wheelwrights and cabinetmakers, so specialist items so were available in small quantities.
The Royal Navy was sailing and opening trade routes all over the free world, so more exotic timbers including mahogany, rosewood and bamboo would have been about in small quantities and the craftsmen were quick to utilise whatever they could. It is well documented that individual reels were produced using exotic timbers and innovative ideas but they were individual, not mass-produced and because of that their details are sparse and as they have been discarded or lost with the passing of centuries we can now only imagine their intricacies. These reels would have been multi purpose for coarse and game as the concept of individual reels for specific purposes had not at that time become the fashion.
I have created a reel reflecting that long past era, a reel that uses no springs or screws, using traditional craftsman practices and is a celebration of the reel makers art, a tribute to those long past craftsman. The ratchet brake works by means of a reed of spliced bamboo using a peg and lever system. This idea was used in ancient lace machinery that was popular in Nottingham around the time.
I realise there are thousands of reels on the market, so why would anyone wish to own one of mine? The reels I produce are unique, no two are exactly the same, the disciplines used turning the drums and back plates are different each time to bring out the best in grain and figuring and dependent on the timber used, a little heart and soul goes into each one.
I have a Website at Please check it out and read the independent testimonials at the link on the bottom of my home page. If what I have presented interests you, please don’t hesitate to contact me by e-mail or phone number that are found on the Website for a no obligation discussion on your requirements. I am sure you have questions and I cannot explain everything in this brief summary. Thanks for your time; I look forward to hearing from you.
Steve Sheppard:

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