Displaying items by tag: prize draw
The Angling Trust has announced a prize draw for new members signing up in the next month. Every adult member who joins the Angling Trust between 1.00pm on Friday 14th August and 5.00 pm on Friday the 18th of September will be entered into a prize draw to win £1,000 of tackle vouchers from the 2009 Daiwa Catalogue. The Fishing Magic and Fish and Fly leading angling web sites have already agreed to promote this prize draw to their full database of members and to give this membership drive their full support
Following the recent announcement of restructuring, the Angling Trust Board met yesterday to review the new business plan for the remainder of 2009 and to develop plans to increase the rate of recruitment of individual members to the Trust. The Directors approved the revised plan, which involves cutting costs to ensure that the Trust does not end the year in deficit. The organisation was launched with very limited capital funding and therefore it can only operate with the funds which it receives in subscriptions, donations, fundraising and sponsorship.
The Trust will continue to campaign on anglers’ rights issues, fight for the protection and restoration of marine and freshwater fisheries, increase participation in angling, run national and international angling competitions and through its legal arm Fish Legal take action against polluters and others who damage fishing. Fish Legal is currently fighting 78 legal cases throughout the UK and is supporting hundreds of its member angling clubs and fisheries with free legal advice. The more members the Angling Trust and Fish Legal gets, the more it will be able to do.
Angling Trust Chief Executive Mark Lloyd said: “we hope that the incentive of being in a draw to win £1,000 of tackle will help recruit all those anglers who have been meaning to join up for some time, but haven’t yet got round to it. The Angling Trust will be what anglers make it; we need much more support if we are to protect and promote angling in the future. We are very grateful to Daiwa, Fishing Magic and Fish and Fly for their support of our recruitment drive.”
Daiwa Marketing Director Robin Morley said: “Daiwa UK is very keen to do everything we can to make the Angling Trust a success and we have supported the organisation in many ways this year with prizes for raffles and sponsorship of the recent newsletter. We believe that the Angling Trust is vital for anglers and for all angling, including the trade.”
The Board welcomed the recent support of leading figures in angling, for the Angling Trust, the united body to represent all anglers. It goes without saying we will be arranging a meeting with them to hear their ideas - the more support we receive from senior figures in the sport, the better it will be for all anglers.

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