Displaying items by tag: sport england
The Angling Trust took a big step forward this week when Sport England awarded it formal recognition as the National Governing Body (NGB) for game, sea and coarse angling.
Mark Lloyd, Angling Trust Chief Executive, explains: “At last angling has a single membership organisation recognised by government to represent the voice of anglers and the future of their sport. This builds on the recent success of the Angling Development Board in getting angling recognised and funded as a sport by Sport England. Angling clubs who are members of the Angling Trust will now find it easier to get support and funding from their local authorities and County Sport Partnerships.”
“More than 1,100 clubs and just over 10,000 individuals have joined the Angling Trust so far. This makes the Trust one of the largest NGBs already in terms of club membership. If the 250,000 anglers who are members of our member clubs were to join as individuals for just £1.75 a month, we would be the largest NGB in the country. We also need the support of all anglers to create a powerful and influential organisation which can demonstrate the importance of angling to government and other decision-makers.”
Mike Heylin, Chairman of Angling Trust said: “Governing body status is important to all of us for the funding of development plans for angling but anglers need to understand that it does not mean that Angling Trust governs angling. For anglers we remain a representative body taking the message of the importance of angling and all our fisheries to government and beyond. Angling is governed by law, regulation and byelaws, the importance of the Angling Trust is that it can speak with the law-makers and regulators and represent the views of anglers nationally, that is why it is important that anglers take up membership.”
Governing Body status will also make it easier for the Angling Trust to secure public funding to support its activities promoting angling participation and will give it the authority to govern the national angling teams fishing in international competitions. The official recognition will also help the Trust campaign and lobby on behalf of anglers on issues ranging from access to waters, local angling bans and environmental and fisheries legislation.
Anglers can sign up on the Trust’s website at Clubs, fisheries, tackle shops and riparian owners should contact us on 0844 7700616 for more information about Angling Trust and Fish Legal Membership.

Alternatively if you would like to submit a news article of your own, please visit the CONTACT page.
Angling is one of the first sports to be recognised by Sport England as making good use of the opportunity to work with County Sports Partnerships (CSP) to increase participation. Sport England has given the Angling Development Board (ADB) the green light to work with all 49 County Sports Partnerships and access their core services for angling.
The ADB will initially focus on 24 CSPs during 2009 and 2010 throughout England to gain their support to:
- develop angling clubs and fisheries
- train and develop angling coaches
- establish programmes to increase participation in angling, particularly amongst young people and under-represented groups
- improve local knowledge and information sharing
- develop local networks and relationships to deliver the community benefits from angling
Sport England is investing £10 million per year to ensure CSPs provide a minimum and consistent level of support to deliver their national sports strategies. The ADB has made good use of this offer through its eight recently appointed Regional Development Officers.
As part of this process the ADB has already started forming County Angling Action Groups to bring together angling clubs, fisheries, coaches, volunteers, schools and community groups to identify local needs. The ADB is working with CSPs to form County Angling Action Groups and access core services. Already nine Groups have been formed and a further 15 are in development.
Jackie Sheldon, ADB Senior Development Manager said “This is an exciting time for the development of angling. Being one of the first sports to gain the green light by Sport England to work with the CSP network indicates that the ADB has made significant progress in just two years. It has demonstrated the potential for angling to deliver on national, regional and local benefits through the development of angling. This includes increased resources, recognition and support for angling at a local level. We are encouraging angling clubs, fisheries, coaches and volunteers to get involved in the County Angling Action Groups to take advantage of these opportunities.
David Moore, Chair of the ADB, said ‘We have been working towards this recognition for two years and we appreciate the support which Sport England, the Environment Agency and British Waterways have all given us to make this breakthrough for angling’’.
Anyone wishing to get involved in the County Angling Action Groups should contact their Regional Angling Development Officer whose contact can be found on the ADB website:
Or telephone the Angling Development Board Office on 0115 9815972
Further information regarding the work of the ADB can be obtained from Jackie Sheldon, Senior Development Manager, Angling Development Board at

Alternatively if you would like to submit a news article of your own, please visit the CONTACT page.
The Angling Trust announced today its intention to recruit staff to 6 new posts as part of its plans to merge with the Angling Development Board in April. The Trust is looking for committed, enthusiastic new team members to help recruit thousands of new anglers to the sport, and to membership of the Angling Trust.

The new posts are: an Angling Coaching Manager (salary £30,000) and five Regional Officers (salary £22,000 to £25,000) located in the South West, South East and London, Eastern England, West Midlands and the North East regions respectively.
Funding from Sport England, totalling £1.56million over 4 years, has created the opportunity for these new posts to be created, which will be a crucial part of the Angling Trust’s strategy for increasing the number and diversity of people taking up the sport and working with angling clubs, fisheries and county sports partnerships to encourage people to keep fishing. The regional officers will help bring in additional resources at a regional and local level to help Angling Trust member clubs recruit more junior members.
The Regional Officers will also act as a point of contact in each region for Angling Trust member clubs, commercial fisheries, consultatives and individual anglers to raise their concerns about environmental and other issues affecting fishing. The Angling Trust will take action wherever possible to address these issues.
More information about the new posts and the work of the Angling Trust and the Angling Development Board can be found on the web site at (click on Job Vacancies for a job description and details of how to apply). A job pack including a job description and application form can be obtained from the Angling Development Board by emailing:
The Angling Development Board is now seeking the services of senior volunteers and a team of professional development staff to realise the aspirations of the Angling Whole Sport plan.
A Chair and Finance Director are also sought to be key members of the Board, and a team of development staff, led by a Senior Development Manager, will be charged with the delivery implementation.